Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Questions, problems, and issues...and none of them actually exist

The title is just a quote from me padre. He was commenting about the thoughts in my head after I saw the Village. I really liked it, no matter what all the critics, and some weird people say. It may not have been a thriller, or a typical horror movie, but it was good. It had a good amount of scary, and had an unexpected ending. Or, maybe it was just unexpected because I was very tired. But, I think I mostly liked it because of the romance in the middle. That's probably the biggest factor of every movie. It's gotta have the intrigue. That part was great. Yup, you guessed it...I'm obsessed. Anyway...marching band is fun. We're in the middle of band camp right now. It's getting a little stressful, because everyone is getting really tired, and really wired, and wound tight. So, there's a lot of stuff going on that's kinda frustrating. I'm really not wanting Friday to come. Because that will be like the last day of summer. Next week, my family and I are going to Yellowstone. Then, school starts. And at school, I won't see Alissa, Clarissa, The Watermelon, or Cocoa Bean at all. It's going to be a huge whole. Sure, I'll have great friends, but it's just going to have this void where they all used to be. I'm going to miss The Watermelon's flirting, and having someone else to be obsessed with boys with, and to do crazy things with. And then I'm going to miss Clarissa for the kind of rare, but absolutely hilarious things she says, and also how she was always so shocked at the things watermelon and I did, and how she kept us in line most of the time. And then Alissa's quietness during class, but then super hyperness when we're having fun. Cocoa Bean isn't in our grade anyway, but I'll still miss our little punchy things. It's just going to be me, soccerball, and violin. I've gotten really close to Radish and Green Bean in marching band, but when school starts, green bean will go to the other school. And I'm going to miss Radish really bad, even though he'll be at the same school. He's got his own friends, and I'm positive he's going to want to hang out with them so much more than he'd want to hang out with us. I think I've cried for hours every single night this week about the change that's coming. I even snuck away for a little bit during marching band, and just broke down and cried. I'm just not sure where I'm going to fit in. I mean, soccerball and violin are awesome, and I love hanging out with them, but they just might be a little smart for me, or at least it seems that way. In the past, it hasn't seemed like they've appreciated the weird things I just doesn't seem like I fit quite right with them. I love those guys, and I wouldn't trade them for anyone. I just keep thinking about how they just won't be the same. I mean, they don't have matching rackets, they would never drink mustard with me, they aren't the flirting variety of people, they don't draw pictures of silly things, they wouldn't let me go to sleep on their backs, they don't see the world in the hilarious light that I do. It's just like that song..."life was changed, disassembled, rearragned." I don't know how I'm going to survive. It's so hard to be myself without an audience that appreciates me. I'm just not used to it. Well, I guess I'll just go...I don't even feel like forcing my opinion on that coworker anymore. Oh well. bye.

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