Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Hm. School. Cool. *twitch*

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while. A whole lot of things have been going on. Well, I got back from Yellowstone in one piece. There isn't enough room here to write about my entire vacation, but if you really want to know about it, I've got the whole story typed up, and I could send it to ya. But I'll just let a few words suffice for now: It was ok, but I'm not going again for years and years if ever. Then, school started about 29 hours after I got home. Also, a few life changing things have occured. So, I've been pretty busy. I've decided that this year, my habits may get much better, but life is still going to be miserable. But, if my habits didn't improve, I'd be in my grave now. Three days into the horrible experience, and I'd already be dead. But, I'm trying a while lot better now. I'm in a transitional phase, I think. But, I think I'll create a different blog to talk about that kind of stuff. Anyway, that's about it. Too tired. But I still have to finish up a few more of my simulation hours. Bye.

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