Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Incredibly tired, but can't sleep

I think that the last few days of little or no sleep have finally caught up with me. I'm finding it hard to function. But, I just can't ge to sleep, nor do I really have the desire to. But that doesn't mean I can just mope around the house, I still have work to do. I just barely put my appetizers in the oven for YW. I hope they turn out ok. I had a lot of SNAFUs while trying to make them. Probably because I left them to the last day. First, half of one of the onions I was going to use went rotten. So, I had to use a white onion, and a red onion. Then, I accidentally messed up some measurements, but fortunately that was cleared up easily. I substituted sugar for honey, so that I would like it a little better. But I'm still worried. Well, only time will tell. If they turn out bad, I'll just say it's gourmet French, and then everyone will know why it tastes so Anywho, we signed up for the Las Vegas rooms today. Allissa, Cocoa Bean, and Allissa's sister invited me to share a room with them. It's going to be great fun! Then, I signed up to bus with The Radish, The Green Bean, The Onion, SS, and a few others. It's gonna be AWESOME!! I'm so excited I can't even express myself. Yesterday, it was pretty funny. We decided who The Watermelon was going to like next by writing down names and then picking one out of a mug. I won't disclose who it was that we chose, but I enjoyed the ridiculousness of the whole thing. Well, I've got a multistake dance this Saturday, and I am so darn excited that I could just burst. I also have about the same level of excitement for Band Camp next week. 9 hours a day with so many of my favorite fruits and vegetables! Just thinking about it makes me all tingly inside hehe. Oh, I took this quiz on, it was called "What kind of flirt are you?" My results said that I was a "Smooth Flirt". It was hilarious. It said a bunch of stuff about how people can't resist me, and that I have all the right moves. I laughed forever. I do flirt a lot, I think, but...oh well, whatever. My dad comes home tonight! I can finally burn the DVD I made! Halelujah! It's even got bonus features! I think I said that already, but I just like it. I amaze myself...jk. Well, I've got some urgent transactions I need to make final.

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