Monday, September 12, 2005

It's a Monday...AGAIN

Well, today was pretty ok. This morning I was freaking out, (I woke up at 5am to finish my math homework) because I had no time in which to do sufficient homework. I have a jazz band thing tomorrow afternoon (we get to play in the state fair, weee, and I have a solo yay!) and I had SO much homework. Biggest of all was my geology homework, because that takes hours to do in and of itself. Including Family Home Evening on monday night, I would have to stay up all night to finish all that stuff, and my Calculus homework, and my French homework. But, Mr. Deathtomortals told us that we have another week to do all that. Let's just say I was IN ECSTASY (but not the drug haha). So, today I actually had free time in which to read and to take a nap. I am now very awake, so I will have time to get a good amount of Calculus done before tomorrow, and maybe finish Fahrenheit 451 (which is an amazing book, by the way.) That reminds me. I finished David Copperfield. It was SO good, I cried at the end I was so happy. I'm still really happy just thinking about that book. If you haven't read it yet, READ IT! Well, this evening we went shopping. I bought an orange watch, which is good because it blocks the metal from touching my skin (I'm really allergic to metal) so I'm really happy. I also bought a coat (it's kinda weird because it looks a lot like Radish's coat, but it's green.) and some jeans (*sob* I still shop in the little girl's section because of my smallness...hehe that's ok, I wouldn't trade being short for anything in the world) Then, we had Family Home Evening really quick, and had leftover cupcakes and ice cream from Almond's party. Then, I was here! And also...Nothing. I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything bad either. You have no proof...*weep* I'm a horrible person! But I didn't even do anything, and I won't do it ever again. No, what am I saying, I'm going to give into temptation again and I know it...*sigh* but I'll try not to. Anywho, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, more power to you. Well, now I've got to go see my psychiatrist, and cry into his shoulder.

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