Saturday, September 17, 2005

Another Analysis

I decided that my last analysis was stupid, so I decided to write another one.

Lately, many of the friends I looked up have gotten boyfriends and girlfriends, even though I know it is against their beliefs. Some of the time I knew it was coming, but other times it really surprises me the sort of people who give in to the temptation. Some of the people I admired most, and thought would never go against what they believe in, almost unhesitatingly got into a steady relationship. Other people I know are aware that they are going against their beliefs, and even somewhat want to get out of the relationship or out of the mindset of wanting one, but they simply don't stop. I know it would take a lot to make so many people do something like that.
The fact that steady dating is not inherantly bad, even in their religion, makes it something easier to do than something like smoking or gambling that is forbidden at all ages. Also, the fact that so many teenagers are in that sort of relationship, even in a place where people profess to believe against it, makes it seem ok, or at least accepted.
Despite all of the rationalizations, I know that some people would still give in to the temptation even if the peer acceptance and the moderately relaxed rules of their church didn't make it easier to do. I know the feeling of wanting to be in that sort of relationship. Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all attracted in some way to the opposite sex, and we all get urges once in a while to pair up with someone. To be accepted and deeply loved by someone is something we all long for. At this age, it is natural to feel at least some separation from our parents and siblings, so this makes it more important to be loved by people outside of that family. At times, the love we get from our close friends is not enough, and the inherant wish to have a family of our own sets in. Of course, most teenagers don't even want to be ready to be married, and so steady dating is the natural alternative. It gives satisfaction in an easy, temporary sort of way.
Unfortunately, the pronounced, steady relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend opens the gate to more urges and more feelings and more temptation. While going through this crazy time of our lives, we aren't quite as good at controlling our bodies and urges as we probably should be. Sometimes, the "physical want" side of us becomes overpowering, and not only are the results sometimes embarassing, but can be destructive to us socially, emotionally, and physically.
To see my really good friends in such unstable relationships is painful. To have to watch their behavior around their boyfriend or girlfriend is embarassing, awkward, disgusting, and very saddening. Unfortunately, it also instills a bit of jealousy for the small part of me that still almost wishes I had the same thing. Some of these people were my role models, and now I have to look elsewhere for spiritual and moral assurance and guidance, because I can't trust them to do the right thing anymore. Losing trust hurts, and I wish I still could look to them. It gets harder to keep my own standards when they don't keep theirs. I also don't want to see them get hurt, although when you do that sort of thing, you always will be hurt; it is inevitable.
I am glad that I have been able to hold on to my standards and my expectations for myself. I am also very glad that I still have many friends who have learned to keep their feelings under control, who stay far away from anything that would make the temptation stronger than it is, and who would never give up their own self-respect and integrity for temporary pleasure. I just hope that they stay that way, and that I can too.

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