Friday, September 30, 2005


I am so happy right now. The Green Bean has gotten over his ego problem, I talked to Beet about my problem with what she was doing, I am keeping up with my homework, I have wonderful friends, I just finished memorizing "The Highwayman" (which is like 3 pages long) and I feel myself becoming a more gentle, more Agnes-like person through the struggles I'm being put through. If you haven't read David Copperfield, Agnes is David's best friend who is the most gentle, selfless, wise person imaginable. She falls in love with David the moment they meet in their midchildhood. She goes through seeing him love a few other women, and eventually he marries someone else, and yet she never complains, and continues as his anchor, counselor, and best friend. (I won't tell you how it ends) Even though she is a fictional character, the more I read about her traits, and the way she was, the more I said to myself how much I wanted to be like that. I think an imaginary role-model is better than a living one. They can't let you down, and people don't think you're a people-worshiper. Of course, I just want to have the same qualities, you know? I want to be like that. Reading scriptures makes all the difference. Do it! Anywho, I have to go, I need to take advantage of this off-time. Soul-modifying takes a while.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Jealousy: an analysis

I am not a person who dwells on feelings for a long period of time. I am not a person who wants to hurt people. I am not a person who gets angry. I am not a person who shows emotion, speaks, or acts without making a conscious decision to do so. However, lately, I find myself all of those people. Whenever I hear that giddy voice, or see that nesciently pernicious creature, I am someone more sinister. Despite all feigned battles, my own Miss Hyde continues inside, eating at the remainder of my restraint and better judgement.
What is this malady? Jealousy, loosely defined as apprension of losing affection or position. Jealousy, an altogether undesirable add-on and modifyer of the most intense emotion known to man. Love, an undefineable bliss made into a blood-thirsty green-eyed monster. I do not have the moral or emotional strength to turn the envious fury to quiet acceptance.
It is said that jealousy is more of self-love than the love of others. This, or course, is true in many ways. Nonetheless, even the most selfless of hearts can be fooled. Those are the hearts that know that they could make the object of their affection happier than anyone else could. It is nearly unsufferable to see someone else taking away your oppotunity to do something better than they could do it, especially when it is as important to you as is the happiness of the person you love.
Unfortunately, as said by Havelock Ellis, Jealousy is a dragon who slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive. The word love implies a selfless desire for the other person's happiness. When jealousy comes in, it dirties the water, and makes it shallow, and yet as treacherous as the ocean. Immersion in this sort of water will contaminate not only your ability to love, but the other aspects of your life as well.
If I can't get a control over the affects of jealousy, I will be doomed to this fate, and my ability to have pure love for someone will be decimated. I will be jealous of everyone continually, and will never be able to be happy in my current situation. This is not the life I want to live, and therefore, I must gain the confidence and strength to quietly bear other girls' actions and feelings. If I remember things will turn out for the better in the end, jealousy will become obsolete. That is the main difference between love and its contaminants (jealousy, lust, selfishness, etc.) : they can and will be conquered by time, harship, and maturity, but love, if kept pure, will never really be conquered whether it's romantic or not.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Analysizing the Green Bean

You heard entire blog post devoted to the Green Bean. This will be because it will take an entire post to say all that I have to say. It really will take that long.

The day I met the Green Bean, he was afraid to speak to me because I was a female trumpet player (or maybe just because I am a female, haha) He would rarely engage in conversation, but when he did, he would often stick to talking about how much he practiced to finally get 1st chair. He never did, I stayed first chair. But he never seemed to mind very much, he would just try harder next time. That summer, he and Radish joined me in marching band. We were the best trio ever. We went and did stuff all the time. I loved it. One of the best seasons of my life. The beginning of the next season, Radish dropped out because he thought he was going to be too busy, and so it was Green Bean and I. For a while, we were still a great duo. Then, IT started to happen. He started to go hang out with other people more, and kinda not include me. I didn't really have a problem with it, but then IT started to get worse. He began to talk a lot about how well he was doing at everything, and he started to kinda help out the rookies on his own. That wasn't bad, it was just uncharacteristic of Green Bean. Then, he started to go on and on about his perfect 8to5, and how he had marked off such and such and they hadn't done it exactly right, or how he had checked the lines on the football field, or something like that, I dun really remember. Anyway, then he decided to start star sectionals, where we would work on perfecting our show. He always took over, which needed to be done, but again, way uncharacteristic of him. I elected him the section leader, so that it would be official and I'd feel better about it. Then, Radish and Alissa joined. I'm pretty sure that Green Bean has the hugest crush on Alissa. So, her being in the band made his show-offy side skyrocket. Now, he corrects people all the time, he interrupts my sectionals, he calls meetings, he sometimes totally ignores my existance. He acts almost like he possesses Radish, which really bugs me because I don't get included in the little trio anymore. Now, how do you go from being a person who rarely talks at all, to a person who is "commander of the world, macho man"? I think it has a lot to do with Alissa. Because he likes her, and has gone on dates with her, I think that makes his confidence go way up, as well as his ego a little. Also, he spends a lot of his time with a few people who are cocky a lot. They are my friends too, but I am used to them being like that, that's the way they always have been. I'd talk about him going to Orem High, but I'd get beat up if I said that was the reason. Of course, since he rarely talks to me lately, I don't have the greatest idea of what he may be going through. But, even if you do have a perfect 8to5 it doesn't mean that you are always right, and that everyone else should adjust accordingly. It also doesn't mean you have to give people without one a hard time about it. Whatever the reason, he has definately changed. If confidence includes an ego, I'd rather have the anti-social Green Bean rather than the pighead.

Now I have to go finish up arrangements for a brass ensemble that Green Bean is in. I'm going to give him 4th trumpet and see what he says haha.

*Disclaimer - because of the feelings in relation to this paper, it may be slightly skewed or exaggerated in a few places, for those of you who know the Green Bean. This paper is merely to show my reaction and analysis.

Monday, September 19, 2005

My dreams

My dreams are strange things. Sometimes they are gory, and show earthquakes and floods, and hurricanes. Other times, they are complete soap opera. It's crazy stuff. I'm not going to dream tonight. I am not going to sleep tonight. I don't have time to sleep tonight. The strange thing is, every time I have a dream, I want to cry afterward. When the dreams are good, I cry because I know they will never come true, no matter how desperately I wish they would. When the dreams are bad, I cry because of the pure shock, or because I know that in a way they have come true. My aunt wrote a song a long time ago. "I walked away with love in my hands. You walked away with a bag on your back. I stood aside with you on my mind. You stood aside with a pain in your side. What do you want now? I settled in to what feels best, you settled in to take your test. It wasn't right, and it hurts to breathe. It wasn't right and you want to leave. But, it's all worth cheating. I made a mess to make you impressed. I do suggest that it's all for love. It's not going to right, it couldn't be wrong, and I couldn't think at all. I can't believe that I'd be what you'd want. But, it's all worth cheating." I can't even say how well that fits with my life right now. I feel hurt, and cheated, and unhappy for the world, and unhappy for myself. I feel like faith is all I have left to hold on to. I can't really depend on my friends anymore, because they rarely have the time to really sit down and talk with me, and the people who do have the time don't have the understanding it seems like. So, when I talk to them, I talk to them about school, about homework, about politics, about anything except about what I'm really thinking about. I can't depend on my parents. I've seen their reaction when I tell them about what I feel like. They look at me funny, and treat me like I have something that could make me explode any minute. I hate being treated like a time bomb. So, I'm a good girl. I come home when I'm supposed to. I act like the happiest teenage girl in the world. I do my chores. I do my homework. I play with my little brothers and sisters. I do everything except what I desperately need to do. I don't know how much longer I will be able to depend upon myself. I'm very tired lately.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Another Analysis

I decided that my last analysis was stupid, so I decided to write another one.

Lately, many of the friends I looked up have gotten boyfriends and girlfriends, even though I know it is against their beliefs. Some of the time I knew it was coming, but other times it really surprises me the sort of people who give in to the temptation. Some of the people I admired most, and thought would never go against what they believe in, almost unhesitatingly got into a steady relationship. Other people I know are aware that they are going against their beliefs, and even somewhat want to get out of the relationship or out of the mindset of wanting one, but they simply don't stop. I know it would take a lot to make so many people do something like that.
The fact that steady dating is not inherantly bad, even in their religion, makes it something easier to do than something like smoking or gambling that is forbidden at all ages. Also, the fact that so many teenagers are in that sort of relationship, even in a place where people profess to believe against it, makes it seem ok, or at least accepted.
Despite all of the rationalizations, I know that some people would still give in to the temptation even if the peer acceptance and the moderately relaxed rules of their church didn't make it easier to do. I know the feeling of wanting to be in that sort of relationship. Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all attracted in some way to the opposite sex, and we all get urges once in a while to pair up with someone. To be accepted and deeply loved by someone is something we all long for. At this age, it is natural to feel at least some separation from our parents and siblings, so this makes it more important to be loved by people outside of that family. At times, the love we get from our close friends is not enough, and the inherant wish to have a family of our own sets in. Of course, most teenagers don't even want to be ready to be married, and so steady dating is the natural alternative. It gives satisfaction in an easy, temporary sort of way.
Unfortunately, the pronounced, steady relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend opens the gate to more urges and more feelings and more temptation. While going through this crazy time of our lives, we aren't quite as good at controlling our bodies and urges as we probably should be. Sometimes, the "physical want" side of us becomes overpowering, and not only are the results sometimes embarassing, but can be destructive to us socially, emotionally, and physically.
To see my really good friends in such unstable relationships is painful. To have to watch their behavior around their boyfriend or girlfriend is embarassing, awkward, disgusting, and very saddening. Unfortunately, it also instills a bit of jealousy for the small part of me that still almost wishes I had the same thing. Some of these people were my role models, and now I have to look elsewhere for spiritual and moral assurance and guidance, because I can't trust them to do the right thing anymore. Losing trust hurts, and I wish I still could look to them. It gets harder to keep my own standards when they don't keep theirs. I also don't want to see them get hurt, although when you do that sort of thing, you always will be hurt; it is inevitable.
I am glad that I have been able to hold on to my standards and my expectations for myself. I am also very glad that I still have many friends who have learned to keep their feelings under control, who stay far away from anything that would make the temptation stronger than it is, and who would never give up their own self-respect and integrity for temporary pleasure. I just hope that they stay that way, and that I can too.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Analysis of why am I so stressed out

Right now, my brain is frying, and I am not completely sure why. Still, I am going to attempt to figure out.

I believe that one of the main reasons is the amount of responsibility being put upon my shoulders. I am a stake youth representative; section leader for marching band, pit orchestra, and orchestra; class president; MUN Vice President; and probably some other things I'm forgetting. I'm in at least 5 classes for college credit, a class over the internet, and all of my hard classes on top of that. I'm also taking 2 other classes outside of school for credit. All of these classes have homework. Of course, I have had more homework at other times, but right now I have no time in which to do the homework. Every day this week, I was gone all afternoon at unavoidable extracurricular activities. Then, coming home I was exhausted and had a mountain of homework to do. I am a very social person. I have not been able to speak in a real conversation to my best friend for a long time (at least 2 weeks) and it's driving me insane. Not to mention that I've had very little time to do anything really fun. Of course, this makes me more thankful for the time I'm able to spend chilling with my friends. Except that whenever I have a chance to talk to Radish, there is this one girl who is talking to him intently. I'm pretty sure she's obsessed with him, because she doesn't even talk to her other friends when he's there, and she uses every flirting trick in the book (I would know). I don't know why, really, but I get really frustrated and jealous and angry. I guess because she's older than him, and I just want my best friend back. Someof my friends are having social difficulties, though, and so much of the time I have to talk to them, they are asking me for advice for subjects. Either that, or they're talking about Homecoming. I am still bothered by the fact that I didn't get asked, although I know I shouldn't really care. It just seems like a thing I failed at, and I really hate to fail. So, hopefully I will be able to stay on top of things, and shave off all the things I can't handle. If I make sure not to be very irresponsible, and if I continue to work hard, I think I will begin to get used to this kind of lifestyle. I also think I will just continue to make the effort to talk to Radish. When I finally get in to talk to him, I just feel good. Maybe that's why I want to talk to him so much, and maybe that's why he's my best friend. Hopefully that other girl finds someone else to be obsessed with. Well...I should get going on my homework marathon for tonight. Should be a blast. Oh, and I should also start putting my synthesizer back together before the concert next week.

Monday, September 12, 2005

It's a Monday...AGAIN

Well, today was pretty ok. This morning I was freaking out, (I woke up at 5am to finish my math homework) because I had no time in which to do sufficient homework. I have a jazz band thing tomorrow afternoon (we get to play in the state fair, weee, and I have a solo yay!) and I had SO much homework. Biggest of all was my geology homework, because that takes hours to do in and of itself. Including Family Home Evening on monday night, I would have to stay up all night to finish all that stuff, and my Calculus homework, and my French homework. But, Mr. Deathtomortals told us that we have another week to do all that. Let's just say I was IN ECSTASY (but not the drug haha). So, today I actually had free time in which to read and to take a nap. I am now very awake, so I will have time to get a good amount of Calculus done before tomorrow, and maybe finish Fahrenheit 451 (which is an amazing book, by the way.) That reminds me. I finished David Copperfield. It was SO good, I cried at the end I was so happy. I'm still really happy just thinking about that book. If you haven't read it yet, READ IT! Well, this evening we went shopping. I bought an orange watch, which is good because it blocks the metal from touching my skin (I'm really allergic to metal) so I'm really happy. I also bought a coat (it's kinda weird because it looks a lot like Radish's coat, but it's green.) and some jeans (*sob* I still shop in the little girl's section because of my smallness...hehe that's ok, I wouldn't trade being short for anything in the world) Then, we had Family Home Evening really quick, and had leftover cupcakes and ice cream from Almond's party. Then, I was here! And also...Nothing. I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything bad either. You have no proof...*weep* I'm a horrible person! But I didn't even do anything, and I won't do it ever again. No, what am I saying, I'm going to give into temptation again and I know it...*sigh* but I'll try not to. Anywho, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, more power to you. Well, now I've got to go see my psychiatrist, and cry into his shoulder.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Homecoming Game

It was so much fun, even though our team lost. The most attractive boy in school got First runner up for Homecoming king (who knows why he didn't win...probably because the other guy is more popular, and has a really cool last name) Also, the Watermelon, Clarissa, Cocoa Bean, and a few others who aren't usually present (even people who have already graduated) were there, so it was especially fun to see them again. Green Bean didn't even come over to talk to me, though. He was probably too busy flirting with Alissa (or just thinking about her, I'm not completely sure she was there) Radish and I joked around pretty much the whole time. It was super fun, he always makes me laugh. He might be joining Marching Band, which is tres exciting. Strawberry and I also went around doing fun stuffs to peoples, which was awesomely funny. Also, after the game, Watermelon, Clarissa, Soccerball, Violin, Cauliflower and I went to get Frosties at Wendy's. They were all closed, so we had to go through the drive-through. It was still fun. We talked a bunch in the van (soccerball's 15 passenger bus) and yeah. Ooo, I need to inform you on the status of homecoming. Soccerball is going with Turbo, Clazy is going with Spinach, Watermelon is going with Rutabaga, and Alissa is going with Green Bean. Pretty much everywhere I go, people are talking about dresses and hair. Ah well, I suppose that they have a definate right to be excited, and I have a definate moral obligation to be excited for them. Well, I need to catch up on my conspiracy literature, so I should get going.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Homecoming analysis internet's goin screwy. Well, here is my first analyzation.

Most of my fellow fruits and vegetables are going to homecoming. In the past, I have been known as a "flirt" or a "coquetish girl". In those days, I really enjoyed the reputation. At that time, I was asked many dates, including both proms. At normal dances, I would get to dance nearly every slow dance. Then, my friends (especially the Radish) seemed to get a bit fed up with my "wanton" behavior. Not only that, but I was the butt of many jokes that I'm not sure I wanted to be connected with. For all these reasons and a few more, I decided to stop all my boy-crazy antics. However, since this overhaul of my attitude towards life, I have had only one date, (which was wonderful, I don't mean to put that down in any way, shape, or form, Radish) and at dances I have had nearly ZERO slow dances. This leads me to believe that there are some definate perks to being a flirt. Then, I suppose the choice would be more between what I really want. Focusing more on my friends and school work gets me no dates, but it does bring a higher level of respect for myself. Now I have to wonder why I feel so down about not going to homecoming. Homecoming is not the biggest dance of the year, although it is the only formal for a very long time. I suppose I am mostly saddened because of the drastic change from my former circumstances. Still, I cannot help but feeling I'm letting myself down by being as much of a flirt as I was before. It seems almost to be lowering myself. Still, I really don't like the idea of going to a pity party on the day of the second biggest dance of the year. Maybe I'll incorporate some of my coquetish ways into my new focused life-style.

Well, nothing to do but to pig out on ice cream and chocolate, and watch cheesy chick flicks.

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