Monday, July 19, 2004

Well, here goes another week. Hope it's better

I am now beginning another week in my life as the Orange. Sometimes I wonder why I signed up for this one, when I could've been in Canada, or New Zealand, or something exotic like New Hampshire. Oh well, there's no turning back, and here I am, so let everyone else just deal with it! hehe Well, the Radish contacted me the day he got back. So, I didn't have to get mad at him afterall. Aren't I happy? lol We had a long talk on MSN about Japan, Pride and Prejudice, morphing people, and finally prayer and the spirit. He really wants to know whether or not he should get his patriarchal blessing. I told him to pray about it, and he said he had already. I told him to keep trying, and that maybe he just wasn't ready for an answer yet. I gave him advice on how to more clearly feel the spirit. Then, on Sunday, I prayed and fasted that he might be able to feel the same burning in his bosom that I feel so often. It was strange, because it seemed that everyone was trying to give me food. I got 3 Rice Krispee Treats, a 100 Grande, and a warm, gooey, delicious chocolate chip cookie. I kept to my fast, though. But I read some scriptures last night that kind of hinted to me that he wasn't going to feel it that night, or maybe not for a while. They talked about the Lord doing things his own way. And also about how if good things happen, it's because of God's mercy, and not because of those that labor, (or fast). So, I'm thinking that whenever he's meant to feel it, it's not now, and that time will be best. Anyway, I've g2g respond to the messages of my correspondants.

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