Monday, July 26, 2004

Money: the root of all evil, and yet the necessity for so much good

Today was great. I went to marching band, and preformed fairly well. We did mini-shows,  which are always fun. Our group messed up, but we still did a pretty good job, and we probably would have gotten 2nd or 3rd place. I brought my pineapple waterbottle, my prized possession. Everyone liked it, and now I'm going to bring it filled with pineapple juice hehe. My encouter with the Green Bean turned out better than I had expected. He acted normal, and I was able to get through it acting mostly normal. I did kinda hesitate talking to him, and got as few pictures of him as possible, but overall, I don't think he noticed. I got lots of pictures, and when I got home, I downloaded them, edited them, and put them into my video. I worked on my movie quite a bit. If I may say so, I think it's hilarious, but maybe that's because I'm involved with so many inside jokes; and others wouldn't understand it quite as well. I made many more pictures, which I will eventually load onto this site. Later, I talked to a bunch of my friends, including the cocoa bean for the first time. I also talked to The Watermelon, and Clayzy Rachy, and The Radish. Apparently, The Radish shares my love for editing photos of produce. He's pretty good at it, and some of his are really funny. Perhaps, soon, with his permission, I'll put those here too. I think that today was a turning point in my life, one for the better. I got a phone call from The Strawberry, and guess where whe was! CANADIA!! One of my favorite countries in the world. I could hear that it was windy up there, and it even sounded cold. Oh, how I envied her. It was very exciting to hear from her. It's been so long. She bought me something in Hershey PA; I told her whe shouldn't have, but what's done is done, right? She'll be home tomorrow; I'm excited. We had Family Home Evening, and to my fortune, Boon wanted to make the cookies. And, because dessert was my only responsibility, I didn't have to prepare at all. Dad had the lesson, and it was pretty good; it was about preparing for our missions. It did take quite a bit of time, though. Dinner was really late. We were all starved when the tamales finally arrived, from Boon's friend's mom. We all kinda dug in, especially Cashew. I think he slowed down a bit when Mom made him eat broccoli, though lol. Well, I have a bit of classic literature to finish up, so I will now conclude this message.

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