Sunday, July 25, 2004

A Sunday. Not to be confused with Sundae.

Well, today, I managed to use the mousse my mother bought me, and to bring out my natural curls. People wanted to know if I had gotten a perm. I said "Heavens, no! These are my natural curls!" In not so many words. They said that it was cute though. We weren't late today, but just on time. We even managed to acquire a cushioned pew. I was very pleased. When we got home, I finally remembered to email my Easter talk to Sister Pheysey. She's been begging me for months. I really am not sure of why my talk impressed so many people so much. They're still complimenting me about it. Oh well, Mine is not to wonder why, mine is but to do and die. After a few events that I admit I may have overreacted in, I am now forced to think of and participate in an activity with Almond. I think I may be able to avoid it, but if not, oh well, it can't be too bad. I practiced for nearly an hour. A lot of it was improv, but hey. There are some times when you CAN serve two masters. My mother and myself. Well, in the background, I can hear my mother hinting about how much she dislikes my situation, and how she wishes I was like any other child. *sigh* Life is just a package stuffed with foam peanuts. You have to sift through the annoying to find the enjoyable, and sometimes you just have to make do with the bubblewrap at the bottom. I read some from Fellowship of the Ring. I wish I could read faster. I really need to buckle down and just read the thing. Oh, I got emails today. Yesterday I just decided to tell Van Tan the truth that I don't like him, and never have, but that I really don't want to lose such a good friend. He wrote back saying that he actually hadn't been avoiding me, just that he'd been busy. I just decided to believe him. He also assured me that we were still friends, which made me glad. Because now, both Clayzy Rachy and The Watermelon have stopped liking him. Which turns all my sacrifice into a bunch of smoke and waterdroplets. But it's all good, it's always good to get practice in manipulating people...Anyway, 2 of the other emails were from The Radish, telling me about his family reunion in CA, as well as congratulating me about telling Vat Tan the truth. The last email was from The Watermelon; it was about my confession as well. She also wanted to know exactly what the truth was. I told her that the truth was that I never liked him, and that I'm a dork. Well, that pretty much covers my day. Now, I have the obligation to straighten out my client in one of the areas of his naivity.

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