Tuesday, July 27, 2004

There are things in this world that would rather eat you than do anything else

Today has been a pretty good day so far. I went to Marching Band, and even though the rest of the band was having troubles, I think I did a fair job of trying my hardest. During the middle, Onion and I were getting pretty hot. So, during a break, we ran in the sprinklers. We then noticed that the whole band was staring at us in wonder, amazement, and shock. We just laughed. The rest of the time, the wet shirt felt really good. The Green Bean and The Radish thought we were pretty insane, though. It was funny. We got out of MB early, and so I got a ride with the Onion to Summer Seminary. That was really good. We listened to the funeral of Elder Neil A. Maxwell. I cried through about the last half. Not out of sadness, but from the spirit, and just thinking about things. Like the card. Last night, I re-read the card that Sister Dastrup gave me after the talk I gave in Sacrament Meeting. She first thanks me for the best sacrament meeting talk she ever remembers hearing, but then she goes on to say that she's grateful that I live a life that qualifies me to share the spirit so powerfully. I thought "What HAVE I done to qualify me to have any of the things I have?" So, after incredulously searching my memory, trying to think of something I might have done to deserve all this, I decided to "qualify" myself. Well, today I had an hour long trumpet lesson. It was good. My teacher is moving to Idaho, so that was my last lesson with him. It was kinda sad. He gave me lots of stuff to work on, since I'm taking a break from lessons until January. I think that will be best. First of all, I do not want to switch to the one I have to switch to, and also I need some extra time during the first half of the school year for MB. I just watched "Extreme Home Makeover" I like that show. It's pretty cool. Well, I think that's about it for today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some of my associates waiting on line 2.

The Onion Posted by Hello

Clayzy Rachy, a grape Posted by Hello

Monday, July 26, 2004

The Strawberry Posted by Hello

Cashew Posted by Hello

My Prized Possession - the pineapple waterbottle Posted by Hello

Money: the root of all evil, and yet the necessity for so much good

Today was great. I went to marching band, and preformed fairly well. We did mini-shows,  which are always fun. Our group messed up, but we still did a pretty good job, and we probably would have gotten 2nd or 3rd place. I brought my pineapple waterbottle, my prized possession. Everyone liked it, and now I'm going to bring it filled with pineapple juice hehe. My encouter with the Green Bean turned out better than I had expected. He acted normal, and I was able to get through it acting mostly normal. I did kinda hesitate talking to him, and got as few pictures of him as possible, but overall, I don't think he noticed. I got lots of pictures, and when I got home, I downloaded them, edited them, and put them into my video. I worked on my movie quite a bit. If I may say so, I think it's hilarious, but maybe that's because I'm involved with so many inside jokes; and others wouldn't understand it quite as well. I made many more pictures, which I will eventually load onto this site. Later, I talked to a bunch of my friends, including the cocoa bean for the first time. I also talked to The Watermelon, and Clayzy Rachy, and The Radish. Apparently, The Radish shares my love for editing photos of produce. He's pretty good at it, and some of his are really funny. Perhaps, soon, with his permission, I'll put those here too. I think that today was a turning point in my life, one for the better. I got a phone call from The Strawberry, and guess where whe was! CANADIA!! One of my favorite countries in the world. I could hear that it was windy up there, and it even sounded cold. Oh, how I envied her. It was very exciting to hear from her. It's been so long. She bought me something in Hershey PA; I told her whe shouldn't have, but what's done is done, right? She'll be home tomorrow; I'm excited. We had Family Home Evening, and to my fortune, Boon wanted to make the cookies. And, because dessert was my only responsibility, I didn't have to prepare at all. Dad had the lesson, and it was pretty good; it was about preparing for our missions. It did take quite a bit of time, though. Dinner was really late. We were all starved when the tamales finally arrived, from Boon's friend's mom. We all kinda dug in, especially Cashew. I think he slowed down a bit when Mom made him eat broccoli, though lol. Well, I have a bit of classic literature to finish up, so I will now conclude this message.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

The Almond Posted by Hello

The orange sighing Posted by Hello

A Sunday. Not to be confused with Sundae.

Well, today, I managed to use the mousse my mother bought me, and to bring out my natural curls. People wanted to know if I had gotten a perm. I said "Heavens, no! These are my natural curls!" In not so many words. They said that it was cute though. We weren't late today, but just on time. We even managed to acquire a cushioned pew. I was very pleased. When we got home, I finally remembered to email my Easter talk to Sister Pheysey. She's been begging me for months. I really am not sure of why my talk impressed so many people so much. They're still complimenting me about it. Oh well, Mine is not to wonder why, mine is but to do and die. After a few events that I admit I may have overreacted in, I am now forced to think of and participate in an activity with Almond. I think I may be able to avoid it, but if not, oh well, it can't be too bad. I practiced for nearly an hour. A lot of it was improv, but hey. There are some times when you CAN serve two masters. My mother and myself. Well, in the background, I can hear my mother hinting about how much she dislikes my situation, and how she wishes I was like any other child. *sigh* Life is just a package stuffed with foam peanuts. You have to sift through the annoying to find the enjoyable, and sometimes you just have to make do with the bubblewrap at the bottom. I read some from Fellowship of the Ring. I wish I could read faster. I really need to buckle down and just read the thing. Oh, I got emails today. Yesterday I just decided to tell Van Tan the truth that I don't like him, and never have, but that I really don't want to lose such a good friend. He wrote back saying that he actually hadn't been avoiding me, just that he'd been busy. I just decided to believe him. He also assured me that we were still friends, which made me glad. Because now, both Clayzy Rachy and The Watermelon have stopped liking him. Which turns all my sacrifice into a bunch of smoke and waterdroplets. But it's all good, it's always good to get practice in manipulating people...Anyway, 2 of the other emails were from The Radish, telling me about his family reunion in CA, as well as congratulating me about telling Vat Tan the truth. The last email was from The Watermelon; it was about my confession as well. She also wanted to know exactly what the truth was. I told her that the truth was that I never liked him, and that I'm a dork. Well, that pretty much covers my day. Now, I have the obligation to straighten out my client in one of the areas of his naivity.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Van Tan Posted by Hello

Clairissa Posted by Hello

Teddyboy Posted by Hello

The Green Bean Posted by Hello

The Newcomer Posted by Hello

The Radish Posted by Hello

Oranges' Posted by Hello

The Watermelon Posted by Hello

Working creates the desire to veg

This is going to be a good day. I'm not quite sure why, but I have a feeling that things are just going to work out today. I managed to finish all my jobs (which consist of cleaning my room, taking out the trash from the millions of little trash cans all around the house ((do people really need a trash can in every single room?)) and then vacuuming the stairs going up, and vacuuming the second floor, washing the downstairs bathroom mirror, sink, and counter, and floor.) before the 2 o' clock deadline (if we don't finish our jobs before 2, then we don't get paid, but we still have to do them. We only get paid $3 a week). I got to sleep for as long as I wanted, and then took my time doing my jobs, but somehow, I finished at 1:59. I was very happy. Now, I'm doing exactly what I want to do. I'm writing in my blog, and chatting to my friends. In a little while, I'm going to begin on the labors I enjoy, such as documenting the summer through music, film, and still shots. Also included in these pleasant labors, is taking pictures of fruits and making them more interesting. So, with my hands smooth from soap and window washer, I now have to take my leave in order to complete this final report to my supervisor.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Chug, chug, chuggin

Well, these last few days have pretty much blurred together. My complete boredom and lack of interaction with other vegetables and fruits has forced me to resort to Playstation 2 for pleasure. I have had some opportunity to have fun, though, and that has kept me alive. I finally got to see "O Brother Where Art Thou" at The Watermelon's and Clairissa's house. Teddyboy watched it for a little while too. It was funny. Now I can know what they're talking about when they quote it, as they do so often. I also went with them to Scera park. That day I had forgotten that I had to go to trumpet lessons, so I had to leave really early, which bummed me out. So, as the days go by, I start moving slower and slower, and it gets hard to try to keep speed up to normal. However, I have a feeling that in a couple days, I will be moving as fast or faster than normal. Monday, we go back to Marching Band! So many of my favorite fruits and veggies are there. I wish I could sleep, and have Monday just be there. But, alas,  I still have 2 1/2 days left to wait. Anywho, I've got to finalize a deal with my colleague, so I'll cya'all later.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Well, here goes another week. Hope it's better

I am now beginning another week in my life as the Orange. Sometimes I wonder why I signed up for this one, when I could've been in Canada, or New Zealand, or something exotic like New Hampshire. Oh well, there's no turning back, and here I am, so let everyone else just deal with it! hehe Well, the Radish contacted me the day he got back. So, I didn't have to get mad at him afterall. Aren't I happy? lol We had a long talk on MSN about Japan, Pride and Prejudice, morphing people, and finally prayer and the spirit. He really wants to know whether or not he should get his patriarchal blessing. I told him to pray about it, and he said he had already. I told him to keep trying, and that maybe he just wasn't ready for an answer yet. I gave him advice on how to more clearly feel the spirit. Then, on Sunday, I prayed and fasted that he might be able to feel the same burning in his bosom that I feel so often. It was strange, because it seemed that everyone was trying to give me food. I got 3 Rice Krispee Treats, a 100 Grande, and a warm, gooey, delicious chocolate chip cookie. I kept to my fast, though. But I read some scriptures last night that kind of hinted to me that he wasn't going to feel it that night, or maybe not for a while. They talked about the Lord doing things his own way. And also about how if good things happen, it's because of God's mercy, and not because of those that labor, (or fast). So, I'm thinking that whenever he's meant to feel it, it's not now, and that time will be best. Anyway, I've g2g respond to the messages of my correspondants.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Why Hello There

Well, I guess I'm starting over, then. I've fogotten my old username, and therefore cannot log in. Oh well, I'm bored enough to want to start over. Today was pretty normal. The Radish finally came home from the big CA, but it makes me a little angry that he has made no effort whatsoever to contact me so far. If no effort has been made by Wednesday night, I'm going to have to take disciplinary actions lol. My mom's been especially demanding with my trumpet practicing. I practiced twice today, but she still says they weren't long enough. I told her again and again that I couldn't play any more because my lips hurt so bad, but she, nor my father, would listen. I've been extremely bored. Fortunately, I haven't recieved a new email from the Green Bean, and I haven't had to deal with the sight/sound/sign of Van Tan, but still. A little excitement would be nice. Absolutely nothing happened today. Well, unless you count our purchase of a bunch of Karaoke CD's, and that we FINALLY own the Lord of the Rings Trilogy Soundtrack. Then, we used said Karaoke CD's. So, all day, I've just been sitting here, waiting for some new sign that the Radish lives. Anywho, g2g finish some unfinished business. Cya.