Sunday, November 20, 2005 analysis

A quest: the act of pursuing, or seeking. Many have called life a quest, but what are we seeking? Will we ever find it?

Almost every human being hits a stage in their life where they begin to question. Why am I here? Why are these things happening to me? What exactly am I supposed to be doing? Who am I? Most try to forget about these sort of questions, because of the difficulty to answer them. Other times, religion fills in the gaps where we ourselves do not have the knowledge to answer our questions.

Why do unpleasant things happen? Why not? It is impossible to exempt anyone from less than perfect situations. By sheer probability, it is only natural that some will have harder lives than others, and that life cannot be ideal for long. We must pursue better lives, but also seek to find the better side of our current situations.

Who am I? Many go around trying to "find themselves" or simply rationalize behavior by saying "it's just how I am, I can't help it." I don't believe that identity is something we can search out by physically travelling. I believe identity is something we are only partially born with. I believe that most of who we are is determined by decision. Circumstances may play their part, but it is how we react to those circumstances that make up our character. As it is said in Batman Begins: "But it's not who are you underneath...It's what you do that defines you." We can decide our attitude, we can decide our reactions, we can decide our actions. We alone decide who we are.

What are we supposed to be doing? Different morals call for different answers. Many would say "improving your life." I agree with that. It is how we go about doing so that differs. Many would say "what you do doesn't matter, just as long as you get you want." Or, as written in The Prince, "The end justifies the means." In my philosophy, it is the opposite. "The means determine the end." Improve your life by improving others' lives. Improve your life by surrounding yourself that will uplift and edify you. Improve your life by improving yourself. Not physically (although health is important) but improve your character, improve your morals, improve your mind and body as well as your soul.

What is the quest of life? Find your purpose, learn how to accomplish it, and then go accomplish it. Still, don't be surprised if some of your quests change along the way.

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