Monday, November 07, 2005

Holy Marching Band!

YES! We went on tour. It was absolutely wonderful. As every year, we went to Las Vegas, started on Thursday morning. Before we left, however, we were in a commercial for BYU TV. That was so much fun, we got to spell out BYU TV in a big formation. We then were in the bus forEVER. It was SO much fun, though. I am still very happy about it all. We got terribly hyper on Friday night, and I did some things that I'm still a bit embarassed about, but...what happens in Vegas gets spread around and stays in people's memories and mouths for years. I'm still very tired, but I think it was all worth it. We did well at the competition, but the judges are considerably biased. They have ventured to tell us that we will never be allowed in finals again. Mean, huh? Well, I must make preparations for my geologic field studies tomorrow.

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