Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Boo to dances

I'm sick of dances. Every time I get really excited for a dance I don't get asked, or I can't find a group because my friends wanna be bums...I've been asked to two date dances, and they were great. But that was when I didn't expect to get asked at all. Then homecoming rolls around and I get all excited...and then half my friends go, leaving me (not their fault, I'm just being a complainer) Then these same friends get me all excited for Sadies, and then these same friends decide last minute they don't want to go! I'd say "ha, I'll just go without you," but then I don't have a group to go with. It just makes me SO frustrated. My geologic field studies were cancelled due to rain. I threw a fit today. I feel very immature. I hate it. I WANT TO THROW STUFF! I WANT TO LIE ON THE GROUND KICKING AND SCREAMING! Why? Because my feelings are immature and therefore it seems like my reaction to them should be immature as well. I feel jealous that I don't get to go to the dance. I feel mad that my friends ditched on me again. I feel tired and procrastinatorish. I feel pouty and selfish. And the worst part is...I don't know how I'm going to deal with any of these feelings...I guess I'm mostly afraid...of being forgotten

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