Tuesday, March 14, 2006

They're writing songs of love, but not for me...

I guess it's me. I guess I'm just not that girl. I guess I'll just have to suck it up, and accept that there's nothing about me that's attractive. Sure, you can shower me in compliments, sincere or not, but I don't think it's going to help anymore. It cuts too deeply. No matter what group of boys I hang out with (some of which I have the biggest crushes on), I have to sit and listen to them talk about all the girls they like. And whaddya know? None of them are me. And twice...I've been so sure! The first time I was right, but he is unintentionally the cruelest person I have ever known. So that obviously didn't work out for more than a single minute. Then the second time...he held me so tight...I shoudn't have entertained it, but gosh, I have my girlish fancies too! And boy did it feel good...oh MAN did it feel good...but no. I must have imagined it? I don't know! It felt...But then today was...WHO JUST DOES THAT!? *sigh* back to my guy friends. Even on dates. What the heck? The whole time, "yeah, so-and-so is so cute." Am I so horrible that I'm not even to be respected when you ask me out? What am I to you!? I can't blame my guy friends for gushing how much they like this girl or that girl, but no matter how many guys I talk to...it'll always be someone else. And I don't even get asked to dances. What is it about me? I've tried not trying, I've tried trying, maybe I'm trying too hard to not try too hard? I dunno. Maybe I lack grace, beauty, goodness, and all those things that are required...sigh. Well, that's ok. I'll just suck it up. I'll just get over it. I'll just live my own life. I don't need a boy to complete my self-esteem! ha wow...I'm such a liar


miss terri said...

no worries. i wish that i had something good to tell you, but you've heard it all before. guys are kind of stupid.

Miru said...

I'm with terri...
oh and whatever, you looked so hot today!

9c said...

so i was totally and completely truly thinking this during the retreat, that you have such this cute quirky look, and when i saw your personality shine through that, i thought, wow, what a KNOCK OUT!! true, none of us our drop dead gorgeous model figures, but, with a term that matters more, which is spiritual, you're absolutely beautiful.

and yes, i third what miss terri said.

miss terri said...

drop dead gorgeous is overrated and causes problems. cute and quirky is the way to go.

Kates said...

Orange, I happen to think you are cute! And absolutely the sweetest girl ever. Maybe now just isn't the time to have a guy. Not very comforting, I know, but...this isn't because of you! :) You're beautiful the way you are.

Noelle said...

lol thanks guys, you truly are awesome, especially when I'm so whiney...

"People need your love the most when they deserve it the least"