Saturday, March 25, 2006

Things Change. This is an Analysis.


Coming rudely into the world with a breath of stale air, a seperate human being.That was a big change, and I wasn't looking forward to any more. At any change of feeling (hunger, pain, indigestion, etc.), change of climate (too hot, too cold, too wet), or change of circumstance (where's my mommy, you freaky 12-year-old sitter?!) I cried. I liked being at a status-quo, and was happy just as long as everything in the world was right.

As a child, change couldn't come sooner. Always longing for the next birthday, constantly wondering when next week was, when I would be older, when we could change rooms, paint something, when we would move, anything. Change was a welcome event. Maybe that's because I didn't like the status-quo. I didn't really like my childhood. Anyway, that changed.

I searched for change until I got it. For most who go searching for change, things change for the worst. I was extremely fortunate, and things changed for the better. After a bit of a plataeu, things changed again. I was confused. Once you find where you want to be, aren't you allowed to stay there?

Well, that outlook changed. I've got a little more of a handle on the concept of constant change, although it's still tough to handle. Now I see that life is going to rush past no matter what I do. I just have to grab whatever growth and memories I can along the way. If only it was that easy, eh?

(sorry, I'm REALLY sick, so this prolly sounds a wee bit dilusional...oh well, haha)

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