Sunday, March 05, 2006

Do not despair

Easy to say, hard to do. When everything says give up, how can you just say no? Will I find in myself that strength? How deep will I have to dig to find it? Or have I already? Do not despair. There are bigger things at work here, bigger than I can understand. Do not despair. Keep trying, keep finding a little more motivation each day. Continue to try new things, to make new goals, and to DO SOMETHING to improve this period of time called life. Because it's not that long. Still, do not despair. There is a greater force than my own. And it is on my side. So I will not despair. For I have a knowledge that is not of myself. I have a surety that does not come from logic, for all reasoning fails in these instances. I have a strength that cannot be built in a gym, cannot be refined in a psychiatrist's office, and cannot be broken by any amount of explosives. That strength may not be yet strong in comparison to its potential, or even in comparison to the strength of others. But I am going to need it if I'm going to survive. I need it already. I need it if I'm not going to despair.

1 comment:

Rachy Rach said...

Wise, you are.