Saturday, December 03, 2005

An Analysis of My Prejudice

I decided to go against all better (and worse) judgements and talk about something that confuses me. My not-so-secret prejudice...against old people.

Yup. If there is anything less generous, and less mature, &c. &c. &c. I'm having a hard time thinking what it is (besides maybe the average 7th grade girl.) Today I got back from RHSMUN. I was in the Commission on the Status of Women. Our second topic was "The status of Elderly Women in Society." This was difficult for me to speak about, debate about, or care about. Isn't that horrible?! Why do I feel this way about the elderly even though I've felt little but the utmost respect for all other races, religions, &c.? I know it's wrong, but the feeling is still there...what makes me feel this way?

One contributing factor is the fact that I haven't come into really close contact with many elderly people. I grew up very far away from my grandparents, and I didn't make it a habit of visiting unrelated old people. I think because of my childhood inexperience, I never got used to the idea of having old people around, and assumed that everyone should be young (30 is still rather old in my mind)

Another possible reason is current bad experiences. My grandfathers all died before I could know them, so I only have really associated with old widows...of course, I love my grandmothers a LOT. But that still doesn't put aside my prejudice, for some crazy reason. Perhaps it is because I have experienced almost nothing but boredom when at one of my grandmother's houses...I know it sounds horrible, but it is the truth. Our personalities totally clash (we are both opinionated people, but she gets SO complainy and she feels like she has to correct everything anyone says, even if she's totally wrong) so talking to her is over fast (she doesn't even tell stories about the olden days...just complains about the modern ones) and she doesn't have anything to do in her condo, except a piano. I sometimes get excited when I see it, and I start to play it, but then she gets mad because it makes too much noise. Ok, this is starting to sound like I hate my grandmother, I really don't. She's a sweet lady who made my dad the great person he is, I analyzing.

I think probably the greatest factor in my prejudice is society. Young people think negatively or apathetically about old people as a rule. There are a few exceptions, but they are usually only partial ones. Young people may think an old guy is cool, or funny, or cute, or tell cool stories but they usually don't care about their current lives (probably because there usually isn't a lot going on...gah, that's prejudism again) A horror movie about an old lady would be laughed out of the theaters. A comedy about an old couple would have to be really well done to get decent reviews. A romance? can we say EW NO...I think I'm actually worse than society in those ways, though. I get a wee bit uninterested when the actors are 30...isn't that sad? Also, old people are viewed as useless. Financially, that's usually true. Still, I know old people have a lot to offer...or do I? Nothing is really coming to mind, besides being good grandparents, telling stories to interested audiences and maybe senior missionaries. I am horrible about this! I think I really do hate old people, *weeps* I change books mentally to make the man as young as the woman usually is (classics...the man's always like 33! *gag*)

In conclusion: I do have a problem. There are significant reasons for this problem, but it is a problem nontheless. I need to be as (or more) accepting of fogies as I am of Jehova's witnesses. I need to be as interested in them and their experiences as I am in Asian people. Of course, the geezers will never live up to Canadians, but who can?

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