Monday, December 19, 2005

An Analysis of Fathers, and the Need Thereof

Today I had an experience that really made me think about my relationship with my father, and a few things came to mind, including a few reasons why everyone needs a daddy.

In my family, my father is a bit indecisive, and he really just wants to please everyone, and so my mom sometimes forgets that he has an opinion. Still, she respects the fact that his is the last word (even though he usually just agrees with her). If no one was a leader, nothing would get done. My dad often takes the initiative upon himself, and gets things done without delegating any responsibility. Usually, though, the children see my mother delegating jobs and such. Nevertheless, I know that my parents talk things over before my mom takes the decisions to us.

No matter how much we say that money isn’t the only thing in life, it is something vital to a stable existence in this world. Every family needs someone to provide. Sometimes someone other than the father must take on that responsibility, but I think that when it is possible, it is best to have the father take this role. I could go off on a huge tangent on why I believe this is usually the best plan, (and it wouldn’t be entirely politically correct, but I really couldn’t care less) but that belongs to an entire analysis of itself. My dad works harder than anyone I have ever known. He works all day, and into the night, sometimes not sleeping for a few days at a time. Yet he still takes time to spend with us when it’s important, and when we need him, or even at times when we would just appreciate his company, he’s there. I don’t know how he does it.

Now I come to the reason that was most important to me tonight. Every child needs someone to rescue them. Everyone always talks about how women can be just as strong as men, and shouldn’t be considered as weak people who need someone to rescue them, but I appreciate the protection and rescue I receive from my daddy. I’m ok walking in freezing cold weather (even if I complain); I’m ok with pain in general, and often will bleed profusely and not know it until I feel it dripping down my leg (and I’ll still try to score the point) but I feel so much safer knowing my daddy can come and save me if I need help (like he’s done twice in the past 3 days) It’s pretty awesome.

I love my dad, and can’t imagine a life without him. I would have a wish that everyone could have a father figure in their life, whether it’s their biological father, a foster father, or a really good family friend, uncle, neighbor, or something. It’s very important to have that influence on one’s life.

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