Friday, August 17, 2007

A Perfect Day

It was beautiful. Here's a list of things that made it the best day, at least of the week:

  • Didn't have to wait to cross the street. Either time.
  • Got to work on time, and didn't even have to walk fast.
  • Not too many problems, confusions at work.
  • Daniel not there; I got to use the compy
  • We ordered more stickyback sleeves. Each box comes with a handful of candy!
  • I got to see the random little office of BYU Central Stores. It's so central, it's in the middle of a building for something else!
  • I unexpectedly was let out at 2:30 for graduation!
  • The cookies I cooked turned out pretty good.
  • I went to DoT, and saw many of my favorite people.
  • I went to Music Man, and saw even more of my favorite people.
  • When Clayzy was having trouble finding the coupon we needed, I made a gesture and said "appear!" The next second, she pulled it out.
  • We sat behind LeggyK and Aubrey. LeggyK and I laughed quite a bit.
  • I even shared an inside joke with Soccerball in the middle of the show.
  • I got to play with LeggyK's camera at intermission!
  • Mariel was so cute and gave me a great big hug.
  • The OHS Marching Band welcomed me with love, and even played a song in my honor! I think Carry On will now be one of my very favorite songs.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Yes! It was so much fun seeing you there!