Sunday, September 10, 2006

Spiritual Renewal

Wow. Today was amazing. Stake/Regional conference was AMAZING. President Monson had so much to say, and I just left feeling like I could tackle the world and all its temptations. I had heard for the first time a few days ago that playing cards were specifically counseled against by general authorities. I decided to find out for myself, and sure enough, President Kimball said that "We hope faithful Latter-day Saints will not use the playing cards which are used for gambling, either with or without the gambling." Ouch. I collect playing cards. My whole family has begun to follow after, and we have several stacks in our house. Family Reunions are centered around card games using face cards. My childhood was filled with learning and playing these games. Well, with every desire to be a faithful Latter-Day Saint and to follow the prophet, I did something which was very hard for me. I ripped up and threw away all my playing cards. I kept certain cards to represent the decks with the most sentimental value (those given to me by friends, and the ones from Canada) but the fewness of number removes any temptation or possibility of playing a game with those cards. (I only kept one or two from certain decks) Soon, my brothers and sisters followed my example, and we filled an entire trashcan with the ripped up face cards (and still have more to dig out and throw away.) It probably reveals a lot of bad in me to say how difficult it was to throw them away, but already, I feel the confirmation of the Holy Ghost that I'm on the right path. But I still have a LONG way to go. I hope this doesn't sound boastful, because I'm not trying to tell you all how good I was. I'm not telling you "everyone who wants to be my friend has to get rid of their playing cards." No. I just wanted you all to know how good it feels. I just wanted to express gratitude for the friend who told me what the prophet said in a loving way, and not in a "you are a sinner for playing with those" way. I wanted to thank you all for setting the example, and helping me to stay on the path. For steadying my steps, for lifting my hands when they hang down. Thanks.


Sir Radish said...

That's awesome! Good for you. There will always be pleadings from the Lord that some may not understand, but I'm positive He wouldn't ask unless it was for our 100% good. Personally, I don't understand it completely, but if Abraham can be willing to give his only son, and since Heavenly Father DID give his only begotten, then what's the worth of face cards, or any other temporal sacrifice for that matter? Maybe it's kinda like washing ourselves in the Jordan river 7 times...

Noelle said...

It's true. I guess it wasn't so much the cards as the memories and fun times connected to them. But you're right, the temporal sacrifices should be easy to make if we have an eternal perspective. But that's where that eternal polygamy thing comes in...because it's not only a temporal sacrifice, but a sacrifice for all eternity, and...yeah. Frustration times fifty. But hopefully I'll get to a point of humility someday that I won't be so bothered by the whole idea.