Thursday, September 14, 2006

Turning Saints into the Sea, and Left-Handed Bowling

This will be hard. Like bowling. What turns saints into that treacherous, inconsistant, spiteful being, the sea? None other than that which has ultimate power when given into: Jealousy. A combination of all that is evil in the world, but packaged in a form that can be slipped into the most clean of draughts of life. What are some of the most important virtues in this life? Love, faith, humility, long-suffering. What are the ingredients to this most vile of poisons? Hate, fear, pride, and impatience, perhaps despair. Exact opposites. When does the adversary have the best opportunity to slip this poison into our systems? When we are most vulnerable: in that condition of human affection. We go to take a large gulp of pure affection and Christ-like love, and find ourselves choking on the potassium chloride of jealousy. If not treated soon, and avoided later, this poison can paralyze us to all healthy relationships, and perhaps even to an emotionally healthy lifestyle. Most certainly it will sicken our spirits and cause the Holy Ghost to cease to strive with us.

Now, to the bowling part. It is going to be very hard for me to completely remove this jealousy from my heart. It is a trick that Satan has used again and again, and it continues to work. I wish I could say it was his last resort, but that would not be true. Anyway, right now, it's all a little like my struggle with bowling. I used to be really good at bowling, but these last few times have been HORRIBLE. I just get gutterballs almost every time! It's really emabarassing, so I've been trying my hardest to figure out what I can do to improve my bowling game. I tried perfecting my curve. It would consistantly curve the opposite way and go in the gutter. I tried removing the curve. Went in the gutter. I tried moving to different locator dots and aiming differently. Gutterball. I gave up and bowled left handed. 9 pins. I tried it again; 7 pins. Well, it's not the best, but better than with my right hand. So, lately, I've been searching myself for ways to remove this jealousy. Maybe it's time to give up and get a different perspective. Now, I'm not comparing one's left hand to a heavenly being (sorry Clayzy and Radish) but I think it's time to let Him help me make weak things (the left hand) strong.

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