Monday, June 12, 2006

In memory of the deceased

I barely knew you. You were sweet, but never quite knew what you wanted. Therefore, you never got it. You were never brave enough. You were never strong enough to incite action from me. You held on long after I thought you would. After all, how can two of you live in the same heart? One must die. I'm kinda glad you were the one. The other was stronger. The other is deeper, less selfish. I'm sorry you had to die so young, with so little to show for it. Those that are born as a fire burn out as the same. Still, I mourn your passing. I mourn what you might have done. Nevertheless...only one can persist in a virtuous heart.


Sir Radish said...

I can only imagine that this is about two people in one, one of two pathways to be taken in someone's life, and you were glad someone or yourself chose to be one of the people inside, apparently the stronger or higher route maybe, eh?

Noelle said...

Exactly. In a vague sort of way :D