Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Once upon a summer's eve

My brother Cashew and I played tennis tonight. It's fun. I always win, which makes it not as fun as it would be if otherwise. We had a sectional this morning. The rookies planned it. Weird. Well, it's good that they're so dedicated. Summer seminary was good. Soccerball, Seaweed, and a couple others taught. Seaweed asked me to give a thought, but there was never time. Overall, I felt kinda worthless because I didn't even help with the ice cream...oh well. Next week I'll be better. I hope I don't squander this ephemeron of bliss on feeling worthless. I need to go do more things. I need to get more things done. Cool.


miss terri said...

i haven't been to summer seminary yet and it makes me sad. i've had to work or i end up bring lazy and sleeping. and i'm gone the next two weeks. i wanna go!

Noelle said...

aw man! Do you usually go to Orem's?

miss terri said...

i would! i haven't had a chance yet this summer. :P