Saturday, April 29, 2006

I've decided it's impossible to follow my string of thought

Wow. This week. I've done way more social stuff than I'm used to, and more than I prolly shoudl have, but...I loved it. Every moment. And I milked it for all it was worth. Now? I've got to pay the price for that time. I've got to make up for that lost studying and sleep. *sigh* Why must there always be consequences? And yet...I know why. Nothing would ever be learned, ever be done. hehe Today was a great day. Fantabulous day. I'm doing such a good job! I show just enough to encourage, but not enough to scare away! And I've been understanding, funny (sometimes), and inviting. I can't be this way all the time, but I've been doing pretty darn well when it's counted lately. Hopefully I can keep it up. Because that smile is the only thing motivating me right now. Wow, that's kinda pathetic. But no, what else could get me to do the whole school dealio? I can't wait to be a mom. And yet, I'm so dang scared. So...gosh, I hope I'm not being too vain about this week...prolly am. Still, I've done almost everything right! It's so exciting! WEE! hehe


Rachy Rach said...

The way the system works, we work way too hard. So, we're all allowed to slack off every once in a while, reward ourselves for what we've put up with.

By the way, you're always understanding, hilarious and inviting. That's why you're my twin. :D

Noelle said...

yaya for slacking off. Aw, thanks Rachel. I feel happy now :D

miss terri said...

hehehe, good jorb!