Friday, April 14, 2006

Freedom - An Analysis


I am free from school for nine days. I am free from homework for none. I am to be free from parents for five days. I am to be free from supervision for none. I am free from oppression and free from generalized discrimination. I am not free to do whatever I want. I am not free from annoyances, from trials, from crime. I am free to spend my money how I want. I am free to receive a fair amount of money for my work. I am free to take the opportunity of a public education. I am not free to let that opportunity pass. I am free to learn what and how teachers and the state think fit. I am not free to learn what how and I want. Many of these restrictions are for the better...but some of them should be changed for good. So in comparison to many places and many people, I am free. But am I free? If I make myself free. If I take the restrictions with the freedoms, and if I take advantage of my opportunities to change the world around me. If I actually am a part of my world, and I work toward what I want. I can make myself free from the manipulation of the media, from the addiction of society. I am free...sort of.

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