Tuesday, April 04, 2006

In Preparation for Prom


I thought it might be funny, so one day I said "Only 32 asking days until prom!" Immediately, at least 3 girls were glaring at me, and one said "Don't you even say that." I apologized profusely, not wanting to be considered a wag. Wow, I did NOT expect to get my head bitten off for a simple comment (especially one meant to be humorous). Why does Prom have such a big impact on people, especially girls?

Prom is fun. Ideally, you get asked by a good friend, or that guy you've had your eye on for a while. Then, you have plenty of time to go shopping around for your dress, shoes, and anything else you stand in need of. The night is beautiful, with dancing, friends, everyone is happy for everyone else despite usual animosity. The boys are gentlemen, all the girls look pretty. And if you put enough into it, you will too. Sometimes it works out better than others, with the time crunch, but either way, you look better than you do at school. Sweet. Why would this have a negative affect?

Obviously, the better the event, the more desire to go! And can a girl go anytime she wants? No! It happens once a year. No! The boys do the asking (unless you're going for the reform). And no one goes stag to Prom. That's just not Kosher. So, anyway, there is a bunch of stress. "Will he ask me?" "Will she say yes?" "WILL ANYONE ASK ME!?" And the closer Prom gets, the less of a chance there is to be asked.

Not only is Prom fun, but it is a way to determine the individual success of a female. Now, it is not recommended to do so, but it happens. "Wow, I didn't get asked. My guy friends must like some other girl more than me. I must not have something the girls that got asked do. What are the possibilities? Too bad I have a major crush on that guy who asked someone else. She must be prettier. Heaven knows she's thinner. She must be smarter, too. She must but more of what people want. I must be someone no one likes quite enough to take to Prom. Wow, I suck." This is not what girls should be thinking, but many of us think this way, and it ruins our self-esteem for a long time. So this is another reason why we simply NEED to be asked!

Now, many girls do not fit this description. Some of these dislike prom for other reasons. Mostly they're just jealous, but some really dislike shopping. Some dislike spending so much time getting ready. Some just hate the stress, and some just hate boys. They dislike the shallow creepiness of girls who say "Guess who asked me?" even though they dislike the boy, and only want to go because it will give them a chance to show off a revealing dress, and themselves being popular.

Do I like Prom? Heck yes! Still, as it approaches, and I still don't have a date...I don't know whether to be excited or to allow my defensive mechanisms to start kicking in...for more info, see the dream above summarized


Rachy Rach said...

You DO realize that anyone that's asked someone to prom yet is FREAKISHLY early, right? And, as Brother Frost says, guys don't even realize Prom is nigh at hand until the week of, maybe later. So don't fret. If you don't get asked 2 weeks before the dance (which I doubt, since you're so popular), we'll get you one. And if I get asked but you don't (another highly unlikely event), I'll give up my date for you. It's not like he'll know, since we're twins. :D And you want it more than I do.

Noelle said...

hahah I know, that's why I thought it would be so funny to be counting down like Christmas! But apparently those girls didn't think it was so funny...hehe Rachel, half the fun is being asked, so thank you, but I don't think I'd take your date hehe Pity parties are good anyway. I'm really ok with not being asked. I've been enough times to get the good and the bad.

Miru said...

oh man... prom is a stress isn't it? ... haha, good thing i don't care about it! .. wow, that was a lie

Miru said...

hmm... what do you do when the guy you really want to ask you is on a mission.... shoot!

miss terri said...

mine graduated at semester. i'm kinda sunk. especially since he doesn't know who i am.

Noelle said...

haha let's make a "the person I really want to ask me never will" club! I'll make jackets :D

Rachy Rach said...

I'm SO in that club.