Saturday, January 07, 2006

An Analyis of Dreams, Goals, and Accomplishment

Glinda the Good said that "Happiness is what happens when all your dreams come true." What is a dream? How does that differ from a goal? Why would accomlishing them make one happy?

The first step to accomplishment is a dream. To dream is something so common, it may even surpass jeans in acceptance. Fantasies and wishful thinking take up about 60% of the average American's brain capacity, leaving less and less room for reality. Being so cosmopolitan, only an infintesimal amount of dreams are taken seriously, even by the dreamer. That means that an even smaller ratio of those fantasies and wishes are accomplished.

This brings us to the second step: a goal. Dreams must be transformed into goals using the magic elixir, commitment. When we bring those dreams into the light decide they would be worth while enough to use time and energy to accomplish them, they become goals. Unfortunately, goals include a colossal gamet of levels of commitment. To think that someday you are going to be an astronaut is a goal just as much as the goal to do 100 situps every night. The differences between dreams that turn into goals and goals that turn into accomplishment are a plan, action, and pereverance.

The finish line is finally reached, and the goal has turned into accomplishment. Usually, this event brings with it an added measure of confidence, a sense of pride in the accomplishment, and a desire to make other accomplishments to add to the collection. However, there are other times when the accomplishment brings the realization that the result did not match up to the expectations of the dream, or perhaps that the accomplishment was one that you should not have dreamed in the first place. Perhaps we must only remember to watch our dreams, that our accomplishments are what we really wanted.

I couldn't be happier
Though it is, I admit
The tiniest bit
Unlike I anticipated
But I couldn't be happier
Simply couldn't be happier
Well - not "simply":
'Cause getting your dreams
It's strange, but it seems
A little - well - complicated
There's a kind of a sort of cost
A couple of things get lost
There are bridges you cross
You didn't know you crossed
Until you've crossed
And if that joy, that thrill
Doesn't thrill you like you think it will
Still -
With this perfect finale
The cheers and ballyhoo
Who wouldn't be happier?
So I couldn't be happier
Because happy is what happens
When all your dreams come true
Well, isn't it?

This is my 100th post!

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