Saturday, February 05, 2005

I had a strange dream last night

I woke up on the couch, so maybe that has something to do with why it's so weird.

I was reading and living "Cry the Beloved Country" at the same time. Except the story was completely different. It also had some extra characters in it. In the beginning, there was a piece of paper with a word describing the life of each character. One was "study", another was "signs"(but sometimes, when I looked back at the paper, signs turned to aliens) There were others, but I can't remember them. So, the story went on. In it, one lady was planning to kill another lady (I think it was Claire from Lost but she had already had her baby) but she had to do it at just the right time. Finally, the lady got Claire into a room alone. She said "I am afraid to close this door. I am afraid to lock it. We are alone, but I am afraid of what I must do behind that closed door." I tried to warn Claire, but I was only reading the book, so she couldn't hear me (even though it looked like I was in the same room) So, she was killed, but I don't think I saw that part. I just suddenly knew what had happened, and moved on with the story. The priest had to take care of Claire's baby. Apparently, just like in the show, no one but Claire could take care of the child, and so now the boy was creepy, and could destroy things without touching them, and stuff like that. The book ended with a funeral, but I can't remember who's it was. So, I put down the book, and was a little creeped out. I said "Finally, now I can read something else." But now, my house was in South Africa. My house was on a huge hill, overlooking a little town by the sea. The phone rang, and when I answered it, it was the first counselor of our ward. He said "Guess what, Orange? We know you're young, but we're calling you as bishop. To help you, we've also called you father as second counselor." I was shocked, and just said "ok..." He hung up. A little while later, my dad called from the church building, and said "Hey, you know we're supposed to be hosting the dance down here. We have to give the blessing." I was in my pajamas, but I didn't bother to change, for some reason. My dad picked me up, and we drove down this windy road to get to the church. On the way, I saw Mr. MB. Somehow I knew he was the prophet now. He was giving a press conference or something. He complimented my dad and I on how we were being faithful to our callings, and going to the dance. When we got inside the building, no one was there, and another church leader said "Maybe we should say the prayer later when more people are here. No one is here at the beginning of a dance anyway." So, I decided I was going to go get dressed for the dance. My dad drove me home, and he got out this 80's dress. I thought "I am really going to hate seeing everyone dressed like the 80's. But, I suppose, that since everyone else is, it would be a faux pas not to." The dress was really colorful, and the little belt on the waist was almost too small for me. My dad drove me back down, but President Lemen wasn't there anymore. I went in, and saw Soccerball. Before I could go over, though, Ashlee came over and said "What are you doing here looking so hot in that dress?" I laughed, and then said "Thanks, I'll see ya later." Then, I got in there, and there were about 500 folding chairs set up on the dance floor. I have no idea what they were doing. I saw Soccerball, and went to sit by her. I told her that my dad had gotten personally complimented by the President of the Church. Then, I told her I had been called as bishop. Then, in my mind, I thought "Wait, only those who hold the priesthood can be a bishop...and only men can hold the priesthood..." Soccerball didn't seem too phased by it, though. She just said, "wow." Then, after my reasonings, I said "Wait, no, I'm not. I guess I just had a livid dream that I was the bishop. Oh well, sorry."

That's the end. I think there's one more part, but I can't remember it. It was pretty crazy. Well, not nearly as crazy as some other ones, but still...the bishop? Anywho, I should get going. I need to finish more of my duties to society.

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