Friday, March 23, 2007

You smell shiny...

I was just wondering if it was possible to be bored of a person. I thought first of the people I have known the I bored of them? Not at all. The people I am around the most? Am I bored of them? If anything, the opposite. Then I thought about anyone I might be bored of, at least bored of their company. I realized that it is the people I spend the least amount of time with who bore me. There are a couple reasons for this that I can see. I don't spend time with people who bore me. There's also the fact that people change. When you watch how a person grows, that's exciting. And when you know a person well, there's always something going on in their life that affects you, and visa versa. How not boring.

PS I got a BYU music scholarship


Clarice Perry said...

That is so cool that you got a scholorship!!!!!!! You deserve it!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Noelle said...

Thanks, Clarice :D Hopefully I don't suffer from "Imposter Syndrome"...where you think you don't deserve the awards/positions you receive...I get that a lot