Monday, October 16, 2006

Do you ever?

Do you ever have sudden urges to break free of everything? To run as far as your legs will take you, and never look back. To tell everyone exactly what you think and exactly why you think it. To be yourself and not even care. Do you ever want to do something irrational and see what happens? Or maybe simply expieriment scenarios in your brain, calculating everyone's reaction, and your own post action feelings. Do you ever laugh to yourself, because you know something that no one else knows? Or something that no one else believes? Do you ever want something, but keep reminding yourself that you shouldn't? Do you ever find yourself falling into thought, and emotion, and wondering where reality disappeared to? Do you ever?

I do. I think you do too sometimes.

1 comment:

Rachy Rach said...

Sounds like a song, haha. But you're right... I do.