Tuesday, May 23, 2006

For a certain Radish I know

Today was a GREAT day. I walked to school really early, and the sky was gorgeous, and everything smelled so good, Robins and little seed things flying all around me, I could've cried it was so beautiful. I helped Mr. Bandman with the uniform inventory: my first task as a Band President. We went outside for APES, which was great. I said hi to Mr. Radish (If he was younger and single, Radish, I think I would fall in love with your dad, lol). I talked to Pear, who gave me some much needed advice. And we're doing Les Mis next year! Can you say dream come true? I AM SO EXCITED! It's really going to be sad having all those seniors graduating...I've gotten REALLY close to several of them. I'm still going to see one of those, though. That'll be happy. BIG PARTY! JUNE 9TH! SUMMER SEMINARY! This summer is going to be FANTASTIC! NO! June 9th is Girls' Camp. Moment of silence for a great night lost. Girl's Camp will be awesome, though. French was good, even though I had to recite my poem on the spot, no props. It went pretty well, and Madame P was laughing pretty hard. Bro. Shiver says it's one of my gifts of the spirit to make people laugh. But I have to use it appropriately. Band was pretty fun. I like the flugel horn. Pomp and Circumstance is going to be annoying and a chop buster, but I'll be too caught up in the whole gradutation thing to notice. Calculus. I love that class, now. So many cool people are in there, and we only do 10 problems a day, and Corn is the only one who makes fun of me anymore (and him only because he's teasing). I stayed after school with Violin while she waited for her Tech Rehearsal. I didn't want her to wait alone. That's the worst. So it was fun talking to her. I'm having slightly more trouble talking to people lately. I need to boost my social skills somehow :D After school, we filmed part of "THE MOVIE". It was great. Then Naisin kicked my face again a few times. No blood this time :D Then I remembered the homework. Oh yeah, I still have some, hehe. Well, this felt really good. It's much closer to the proportion of sad/happy that I usually think/feel. And, ya know, this is how I used to blog all the time. I'm taking back my blog, weeoo.


miss terri said...

yay! i LOVE summer!

Sir Radish said...

hehe good stuff! :) Fun, happy, positive blogging~ Sad blogging isn't so incredibly bad I guess, as long as one tries to balance and be happy in the end ^_^ Have fun

Miru said...

tis true.. you make me laugh! i'm excited for our french final ^_^