Sunday, October 23, 2005

Oh gosh...I am ashamed

Of many things, but mostly these two right now

Well, first of all, I wanted to comment on Cripple's (that's her name for now) post. She talked about how much school is affecting the way we think. I've noticed the same thing. When I was driving up, I kept thinking about all the little streams, and their meander bluffs, and point bends, &c. It drove me crazy. And in my dreams, I keep thinking that there must be a way to figure things out mathematically, by finding the derivative. Also, I think about how I would be able to draw things using just a compass and a straight edge, or I think in French sometimes, or I conduct music, or think of what key things are in. It is kind of...neurotic, I guess, the way school subjects affect your brain.

Women vs. Men Analysis

Second of all, I wanted to talk about what happened tonight. As a girl, I have been raised to be a man-basher. On TV, in newspapers, pop culture, sometimes from my mom, &c. &c. &c. They all say "men are unfeeling pigs and deserve whatever they get." I have fought against that stereotype as much as possible, but sometimes I just break down and agree. This was one of those times. I was tired of my friends getting hurt because of boys (although usually it's their own stupid fault...) I was tired of guys flirting with me when they already have a girlfriend. I was ticked off because some guy took me on a date and all he could talk about was this other girl. (yes, that is totally tactless, but I have forgiven him for a common blunder. I really am not all that interesting, I suppose.) It's easier to believe guys don't really feel things as much as girls do, because we girls take advantage of them WAY too much. I know I have. I can try to rationalize it all I want, but the fact is we manipualte them, and talk them down. And the really sad part is that a lot of guys believe it. I have seen many truly nice guys afraid to do anything because their female friends will tease them, or reprimand them. They are afraid because we are loud, and insulting. They don't make the first move because the girls always do. They think less of themselves because of what the girls say about guys. Girls chase guys. Girls try to rule guys. And because they are sweet boys, we win. We have too much influence, and sometimes we abuse it. That is the simple reality. I think it should change at least a little. I certainly am going to have to change. I just woke up to another reality. Guys ARE sensative. Guys do feel. Sure, some may be pigs, but I certainly don't know very many, if any. I love all the guys I have been able to get to know. Not just for their muscles, or good-looks, or their perfect 8to5 haha. It's because they are sweet. They care about what girls think. They are chivalrous. They are polite. They are funny. They love the gospel. They have good goals and they are working toward them diligently. They have a full measure of the spirit. They are great friends. I hope that we can all stop and notice what great people they are, and be thankful the media wasn't right about men.

(Thanks, Radish, for reminding me)

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Now that IS a mystery...of course, with my (very limited) experience with guys, they are strangely attracted to mean girls. But I'm pretty sure that's all it is. I think it's kind of a challenge to them, or something. Still, in their hearts I'm pretty sure they always go back to the nice girls :D