Monday, October 17, 2005

Happiness: An Analysis

At least, from my own perspective. To even begin to attempt analysis of one of the basic emotions, especially happiness, would be entirely futile. Therefore, I will confine myself to my own experiences and observations.

To me, happiness is a see-saw of choices and circumstances. Chemical balance has a HUGE effect on this see-saw, but fortunately for me, it only really affects me once a month. A couple weeks ago, I started on a happiness plateau. A week after that, on the day I had the most reasons to be happy, I dropped to absolutely depressed solely because of my body's reactions. I did everything I could, and tweaked everything possible, but this factor alone sent me into a ditch (see a few posts back, or not) of emotion.

Attitude is the second greatest factor in this seesaw. A bad attitude will keep even the happiest situation less than what it should be. A good attitude can make almost every time (except those influenced strongly by chemical imbalance) a positive one. Of course, it does take a considerable effort to make one's attitude go against the grain of the situation, but it is possible.

This brings us to another important part of happiness: circumstance. This factor is one over which the individual has very little power. Happiness can be deeply affected by an extremely slight change in situation. A few words, a few missing words, can make all the difference. Of course, the other two factors take precedence, but situations can make it almost impossible to turn the tides of attitude in one's favor. I would rather have my both me legs broken, and be slashed across the back, and be forced to through up every hour on the hour, than to have to endure all the social mishaps, and romantic disappointments that are innate to teenage life. I think this is because society and people make me happy. Ah well...c'est la vie.

Too many people base their happiness on a certain person, or a certain event. I DO! But that's the main reason I'm ever unhappy. Because he makes me that way! Is that right? no. Should I let him rule my emotions? no. Do I let him? yes. Will I in the future? yes. Love makes everything you try to do impossible, and possible at the same time. It embroils all reason, all effort, all order. Still, it's because I focus on the upsides that I have been so happy lately (except those 2 days)

To keep happiness as much as possible, it is important to to keep positive attitude at a maximum, not to let situations bog you down too much. Above all...keep your seesaw balanced! or at least on the happy side of things. If situations seems too much to overcome, create a new situation! Or stop

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