Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Single's Awareness Day

I've been trying to decide whether I'm excited for tomorrow. As a day, it'll be good enough...but no matter how much confidence a girl has, no matter how little desire they have for a boyfriend, it still kinda gets to us when we see girls laden with gifts. When they giggle and know they have something we don't. It still kinda gets to us when we see the giddy bubbles, the sparkles in their eyes...Sometimes we wonder: "what's wrong with me?" Of course, we know we're just as happy or happier on average. We know they're setting themselves up for unnecessary pain. But sometimes...on days like Valentine's Day...it's hard to remember what you know. Are we, the wise ones, doomed to be ostricized, to be laughed at, to be made to feel silly? Perhaps on this day...but we'll have our day too.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

AMEN SISTER! Hey. I don't know who you are and so you probably have no idea who I am, but I found your blog through 9c's blog. (I hope you don't mind.) I TOTALLY AGREE with this blog (and the one after it that you wrote on Valentine's day.) It's hard because no matter how much we DON'T Want a boyfriend, and we're confident with who we are and stuff (like you said,) Everybody wants to know that they are cared about, and yes, being a girl comes along with the desire to be cared about by boys now and then. It's awesome though, to have wonderful friends and wonderful teachers (like brother Heaston) that totally boost your self esteem in just the right moments!