Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Band of Brothers and Sisters

Band camp. 85 people sweating, playing, marching, eating, and drinking water together. We fall as a team, but most of all, we grow as one. We are a family more than any other organization I have ever been a part of. Fights are rare and short lived. We've spent over 26 hours together this week alone. If I don't love these people by now, there's something wrong with me. We laugh, we get tears in our eyes at the music we create together. Hugs are not uncommon; smiles are a given. I love my family and friends, of course, but Marching Band is different. There's a special thing there that is unique from all other bonds in my life. Here are people that I've given so much for. I haven't had the opportunity to sacrifice this much for anyone else. True sacrifice creates or increases love. Love increases the will to sacrifice. Sometimes I just want to break down and tell everyone how much they mean to me. We work daily to be perfect. And we are getting there. We have a ways to go, but you can feel the excitement in the air. I just have one regret about Marching Band. I wish I had an opportunity to get this close to more of my friends.

1 comment:

miss terri said...

i can tell that you guys are knit tight. it's cool. i liked watching you guys.